I work in the technology and design industry. I realize the following analogy is not spiritual, but to me it’s applicable to this topic. We do not hire inexperienced workers at the same rate as experienced. Our clients also don’t expect to be charged the experienced rate for our junior designers. In addition, we have one… Continue reading Visiting Minister Pay Considerations
Category: Ministry Development
Articles and video blogs on leadership, preaching and ministry. “The same commit thou to faithful men…”
Reconciling Truth and Tradition…
About 18 years ago, a well-respected elder among us stood in his church’s pulpit and apologized for the way he had been teaching some things, and the expectations he had laid on his saints. He took a long time that night to explain clear, biblical teaching on things like facial hair, pants-length, entertainment, etc. I… Continue reading Reconciling Truth and Tradition…
Small Group Starter Questions
•If you could be one for just 24 hours, what cereal box cartoon character would you be? Why? •What was the best thing that happened to you this weekend? (used August 23, 1998) •What is your favorite animal? List three adjectives to explain your choice. •What is your favorite color? List three adjectives to explain your… Continue reading Small Group Starter Questions
Three Keys to Ministry
By Paul Giertz 1. Calling: Only God calls people into the ministry. Jonah was called but ran. Joshua and Nehemiah were called by circumstance. Daniel, Hannaniah, Mishael, and Azariah were called by their integrity. The Bible, and life for that matter, is full of men and women whose calling was predicated by different circumstances; whose… Continue reading Three Keys to Ministry
Collegial Eldership or Leadership in the Church
The question was asked of me recently whether I support the concept of Collegial Eldership in the church. To define the term, “collegial”, for those who may not be familiar with it, it denotes having authority or power shared among a number of people associated as colleagues. Specifically in the case of Collegial Eldership, it… Continue reading Collegial Eldership or Leadership in the Church
Questions for the minister to ask himself…
Who are you trying to please? Are you trying to make a living, make a difference, or leave a legacy? How will the world be different when you’ve succeeded? Is it more important to add new members or to increase your interactions with existing ones? Do you want a team? How big? (I know, that’s… Continue reading Questions for the minister to ask himself…
Despising youth…
When I was about 6 years old, I distinctly remember being fascinated by the red glow a spiral-shaped coil of metal on the top of our stove. My mother turned it on to heat up while she filled a pot with water. In a moment of curiosity, I quickly reached out and touched the surface… Continue reading Despising youth…
What is Deliverance?
I have found that ”Deliverance” is an overused and misunderstood concept. For most people, it’s the “magic pill” they never seem to find. They expect that “deliverance” should include a complete releasing of any tie or connection to the thing that had them bound, erase any and every mental, physical or spiritual desire for that… Continue reading What is Deliverance?
People Follow Leaders… When There’s A Leader To Follow
People follow leaders… when there is a need for a leader. If a ministry does not provide vision for growth, a destination to reach, a risk to take or a challenge to win, there is nothing for people to follow and hence no need for a leader. Ron Edmundson described leaders as follows: Leaders have… Continue reading People Follow Leaders… When There’s A Leader To Follow
Ministry Sickness?
Perry Noble listed 10 signs that you may be sick spiritually as a minister… What are some signs that you are not healthy? #1 – You cannot remember the last time you clearly heard the Word of God speak to you about an issue in your own life. #2 – You no longer use the… Continue reading Ministry Sickness?