Fishermen Catch Fish

Everything they had labored 3-1/2 years for was stripped away by a rugged cross just two weeks earlier. Destitute and near defeat, Peter’s mind momentarily took him away from his calling to a previous, familiar vocation. “I go a fishing.” When one is losing faith, they begin to revert back into the comfort of familiarity…… Continue reading Fishermen Catch Fish

The Vigor of Prayer

The early church was born in a prayer meeting, and as they continued in prayer, miracles, signs and wonders took place. They experienced the vigor of prayer, great revival, and tremendous church growth. Vigor is defined as energy; force; drive; vitality; strength; spirit; dynamism; enthusiasm; gusto; intensity, etc. God desires that we activate the power… Continue reading The Vigor of Prayer

White Noise

A few years ago while I was working in the offices of General Motors, I was shocked at an inter-office memo I had received. The note was to explain about a new “noise filtering system” that was to be installed in the 1,000-plus employee complex within the coming weeks. It wasn’t the system alone that… Continue reading White Noise

The Big Dog

By Fred Kinzie You’ve often heard it said, “Old men for counsel, young men for war.” As an older minister, and throughout my pastoral years, it has been my pleasure and privilege to counsel and help many young men in the early years of their ministry. In our church, there has always been at least… Continue reading The Big Dog