In Valladolid, Spain stands a monument to the great explorer Christopher Columbus. Its most interesting feature is the statue of a lion destroying one of three Latin words – three words that had been part of Spain’s motto for centuries. 1492 On his first voyage, Christopher Columbus sailed through unknown waters to an unknown destination.… Continue reading More Beyond
Month: February 2010
Quoted: R. Kent Hughes on Gossip and Flattery
“Gossip involves saying behind a person’s back what you would never say to his or her face. Flattery means saying to a person’s face what you would never say behind his or her back.” – R. Kent Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Man, p. 139.
21 skills of Great Preachers
by Keith Roberts The one thing most of us would rather do than preach, is hear another great preacher. I mean a “Great” preacher. I’ve learned plenty from hearing the best preachers, especially in a live setting. For most of my life, when sitting under a great preacher, I’ve taken dual sets of notes, including… Continue reading 21 skills of Great Preachers
Quoted: John Chrysostom on the Scriptures
To get the full flavor of an herb, it must be pressed between the fingers, so it is the same with the Scriptures; the more familiar they become, the more they reveal their hidden treasures and yield their indescribable riches.
ABC’s Of Staying The Course
The Guest Minister’s Guide A – Accept not gifts without Pastor’s knowledge B – Boast not – “The most difficult secret for a man to keep is the opinion he has of himself” C – Counsel not saints D – “Drink not, nor talk with your mouth full.” E – “Every winner has scars” –… Continue reading ABC’s Of Staying The Course
A Minister’s Greatest Sin?
1 Sam 12:23 Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way: Certainly, sin presents itself in many ways. In fact, it appears as though the limits to sin are only set by the… Continue reading A Minister’s Greatest Sin?
Quoted: Robert Colier on Vision
Vision… it reaches beyond the thing that is, into the conception of what can be. Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your own.
Muslim “A Dangerous Religion”
European headlines used the phrase “dangerous religion” to describe results from a 2008 study across 21 European countries that found an “overwhelming majority” of people believe immigration from predominantly Muslim countries poses a threat to Europeans’ traditional way of life. A recent survey by LifeWay Research — of more than 1,000 Protestant pastors — asked… Continue reading Muslim “A Dangerous Religion”
Quoted: Dr. James Stalker on Scripture
Every one who knows what it is to give a lesson or an address occasionaly on Scripture is aware how the verse or paragraph on which he has had to prepare himself to speak stands out in his Bible afterwards from the rest of the text, as if its letters were embossed on the page.… Continue reading Quoted: Dr. James Stalker on Scripture
They Myth of Polymath
Gaining foothold among “intellectuals”, largely due to exposure from movies such as, “DaVinci Code” and “Angels and Demons”, is a term called, “polymath”. Seeking to discredit religiosity and Christianity, this regard for those of supposed “higher knowledge” tries to discredit the beliefs of average individuals. According to Wikipedia, A polymath is a person, with superior… Continue reading They Myth of Polymath