Quoted: Alexander Maclaren on Preaching the Word

The preacher who has steeped himself in the Bible will have a clearness of outlook which will illuminate many dark things, and a firmness of touch which will breed confidence in him among his hearers. He will have the secret of perpetual freshness, for he cannot exhaust the Bible!

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Quoted: George G. Hunter III on Christian Influence in America

The United States, for instance, has at least 180 million functionally secular people who have never been substantially influenced by any serious version of the Christian faith. That makes the United States the largest mission field in the Western Hemisphere and the third largest on Earth. ~ The Apostolic Congregation: Church growth reconceived for a… Continue reading Quoted: George G. Hunter III on Christian Influence in America

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Quoted: Omar Khayam, 13th Century Philosopher on Knowledge

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool, shun him. He who knows that he knows not is a student, teach him. He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep, awake him. He who knows and knows that he knows is a teacher, follow him.

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Quoted: Ron Wofford on Reputation

Speaking at his Apostolic Grandfather’s funeral: He was the kind of man little boys dream about being, and the kind of man old men wish they would have been.

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The Gift of Death

Abortion Gift Certificates Gift certificates for services (including abortion) are being sold in Anchorage, Alaska as part of Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest’s (PPGNW) effort to raise funds for their organization. Alaska Family Council President, Jim Minnery, says it is offensive that Planned Parenthood would use the Christmas season to propagate the message of… Continue reading The Gift of Death

De Opresso Liber (Liberate the Oppressed)

De Opresso Liber is the motto of the US Army Special Forces. It is a latin phrase that means, “Liberate the Oppressed”. The phrase originated during WWII when Colonel Aaron Bank and his Special Forces teams enabled the oppressed French Resistance to grow and eventually oppose and overthrow the occupying German Army. Similarly, it is… Continue reading De Opresso Liber (Liberate the Oppressed)