A young man was called upon to preach a big meeting. When he was asked to come to the pulpit to preach, he was so self-confident and egotistical that it was quit noticeable. However, when he got through preaching, it was evident to all that he had dropped the ball. Head lowered and feeling bad,… Continue reading On The Pride of a Preacher
Month: August 2009
Quoted: Jay Kesler on Faithfulness
We need to remember that faithfulness is not measured primarily by our highs but by our long. It’s our ability to remain faithful in the routines of life that proves our commitment.
Quoted: A. W. Tozer on Worship
If you cannot worship the Lord in the midst of your responsibilities on Monday, it is not very likely that you are worshiping on Sunday either.
Quoted: Jay Jones on Beliefs
There are many things we, “believe”, but don’t talk about. The less we talk about them, the less we believe them. Some belittle, “preaching to the choir”… isn’t it amazing, though, how quickly we forget what isn’t reinforced. This is why Israel was commanded to write their beliefs on the doorposts of their home… talk… Continue reading Quoted: Jay Jones on Beliefs
Church Growth Secrets
1. Get people in 2. Keep ’em Seriously, though… I spent a lot of time deconstructing what we do in our church, and the plans of several other successful church plants and growing churches. I ended up bringing it all down to the lowest common denominators, and ended up with two solid principles to church… Continue reading Church Growth Secrets
Worlds Oldest Bible Now Available Online
The surviving pages of the world’s oldest Christian Bible have been reunited online. The early work, known as the Codex Sinaiticus (“the book from Sinai”), has been housed in four separate locations around the world for more than 150 years. As of last week, it is now available for anyone to peruse at the Web… Continue reading Worlds Oldest Bible Now Available Online
Duplicating Altars
King Ahaz of Judah (in 2 Kings 16) went to Damascus in Syria and was impressed by how they worshiped. So impressed, in fact, that he recorded the dimensions of the Syrian altars and sent them back to Urijah the high priest to build one just like it. That is how a strange altar was… Continue reading Duplicating Altars
A Word Fitly Spoken
Have you ever had that satisfaction of receiving a word in just precisely the perfect time? Might have been a book that you picked up and read, a message you heard, or a word of encouragement from a friend, or even an email received. But they weren’t just “good words”… they were… literally PERFECT words… Continue reading A Word Fitly Spoken
Judge Says College Overstepped Religious Freedom
U.S. District Judge George H. King of California has ruled in favor of a college student who was openly insulted by a professor during a speech on the value of traditional marriage. Jonathan Lopez, a student at Los Angeles City College, was participating in a class assignment to give a speech on “any topic.” While… Continue reading Judge Says College Overstepped Religious Freedom
A Pastor’s Secret Desires Revealed
So, you are a devoted saint in your local church, and support your pastor. You give happily into the church of your time and finances, and don’t cause any trouble. But still, there are a few things your pastor wishes you knew that would make his job easier and more enjoyable. If only you knew… Continue reading A Pastor’s Secret Desires Revealed