Perry Noble listed 10 signs that you may be sick spiritually as a minister…
What are some signs that you are not healthy?
#1 – You cannot remember the last time you clearly heard the Word of God speak to you about an issue in your own life.
#2 – You no longer use the Bible to learn more about Jesus and hear His voice…you are simply using it to find your next sermon.
#3 – You actually begin to hate and despise the people in your church (who, by the way, are the very people you are called to love!)
#4 – You spend more time on the cell phone and computer when you are at home than you do with your own family.
#5 – You are so obsessed with pleasing people and putting out fires that listening to God and doing what He says is no longer the goal of your life and ministry.
#6 – You often dream of being in another church…thinking that if you were somewhere else you would have no problems.
#7 – You are spending time building up people of the opposite sex and having intimate conversations with them that SHOULD be taking place with your spouse.
#8 – You are often overwhelmed with feelings of intense sadness and you don’t know why.
#9 – You can’t sleep.
#10 – You keep telling yourself (and your family) that one day everything is going to slow down.
It doesn’t take all ten to confirm it… if even one of these is a “yes”, it’s time to face the reality and GET WELL! Take a break, see a counselor, consult a friend. Get back on track as soon as possible.