Staying On Course With Accountability

Accountability is essential for any society to function and ministerial accountability is no different. We are all held accountable in one way or another. For example, there are laws to obey and if we fail to be obedient, we may have to suffer the consequences set by the officials who hold us accountable. Accountability is… Continue reading Staying On Course With Accountability

Quoted: Jay Jones on Emergent Theology

Emergent ideology is born of postmodernism and deconstructionism. It is the thought that to truly understand ‘truth’, one must first unlearn and untrain themselves from all that has been previously understood, and begin rebuilding truth piece-by-piece. It is this deconstructing, this dismantling of time-tested Truth, that has destroyed the faith of many, and reduced true… Continue reading Quoted: Jay Jones on Emergent Theology

John Maxwell on Teamwork Truths

Excerpted from John Maxwell’s “Talent is Never Enough” It’s easy to see that teamwork is essential for tasks; however, a task doesn’t have to be complex to need teamwork. Teamwork not only allows people to do what they couldn’t otherwise do, it also has a compounding effect on all they possesses — including talent. 1.… Continue reading John Maxwell on Teamwork Truths

“Talent-Plus” Responsibility

Excerpted from John Maxwell’s “Talent is Never Enough” The following steps will help you become a talent-plus person when it comes to responsibility: 1. Start wherever you are. If being responsible has not been one of your strengths, then start small. 2. Choose your friends wisely. If you have started your journey on the road… Continue reading “Talent-Plus” Responsibility

Traits of Successful Leaders

By Dave Smith I. Sincerity II. Capacity For Work Edison stated, “Success is 98% perspiration and 2% inspiration” III. Ability To Press On In Adversity A leader will have much discouragement and opposition IV. Must Exhibit A Love For His Co-laborers V. Ability To Organize VI. Must Develop A Vision For His Ministry VII. Must… Continue reading Traits of Successful Leaders

10 Reasons You May Not Pastor A Thriving Church

By Jay Jones Every church should be a thriving church, regardless of their size or location. To thrive simply means to prosper; to be fortunate or successful. Growth should always exist within a church and is sometimes seen as communal, sometimes spiritual, and sometimes numerical. While there are many dynamics that come into play with… Continue reading 10 Reasons You May Not Pastor A Thriving Church