It’s Monday… Be Careful Pastors

Some words of caution and advice from Clayton King regarding the Monday phenomenon that mounts upon pastors, ministers and church leaders. BE CAREFUL ON MONDAYS: 1.   You are most vulnerable to criticism and discouragement.   Hold off on most calls and emails til Tuesday.   They can wait unless they are a medical or… Continue reading It’s Monday… Be Careful Pastors

Michigan Impact Video

The Michigan District of the UPCI caught a vision for evangelizing our state nearly 9 years ago, and have since increased roughly 35% in new church plants. The goal for 2009 is to plan 9 new churches within our state, and to progressively plant more churches over the next 10 years until we double in… Continue reading Michigan Impact Video

10 Reasons You May Not Pastor A Thriving Church

By Jay Jones Every church should be a thriving church, regardless of their size or location. To thrive simply means to prosper; to be fortunate or successful. Growth should always exist within a church and is sometimes seen as communal, sometimes spiritual, and sometimes numerical. While there are many dynamics that come into play with… Continue reading 10 Reasons You May Not Pastor A Thriving Church

PK’s And Their Dads

Note: This is an article about “Preacher’s Kids” written by Tony Suarez, of Iglesia De Norfolk in Norfolk, Virginia where to start… I’m not sure who to write to: the PK’s or the Fathers… I knew at a very young age that I was going to be in the ministry…actually I can’t think of anything… Continue reading PK’s And Their Dads

Church Attendance Down, Pastors Poorer: Study

Giving is up, going is down, and getting remains the same. Those are the results of a survey of church offerings, attendance and pastors’ salaries that the Barna Research Group says indicates that while there is widespread interest in “spirituality” across the country, it has not yet fueled the nationwide revival anticipated by many leaders.… Continue reading Church Attendance Down, Pastors Poorer: Study