William Penn speaking about the Godhead

I deny a Trinity of separate persons in the godhead…. Does thou in good earnest think they [Catholicism] were one in judgment with Sabellius, who only rejected the imaginary personality of those times; who at the same instant owned and confessed to the Eternity and godhead of Christ Jesus our Lord. It is manifest, then… Continue reading William Penn speaking about the Godhead

A Nineteenth-Century Witness to the Oneness of God

The following quotations are excerpted from a book published in 1834 and written by Joshua Leonard, a Presbyterian minister who was a member of the Presbytery in Cortland, New York. While the book was in production, charges of heresy were filed against him because of it, whereupon he resigned and resumed his previous status as… Continue reading A Nineteenth-Century Witness to the Oneness of God

The Magnanimity Syndrome

As long as I have been aware of anything theological, the church has hailed the incomparable attributes of God. God fills all space, possesses all knowledge, holds all power and exists for all eternity. His grace is unlimited, His love undiminished, His holiness unsullied, His authority unquestioned, His word immutable. No one is bigger, stronger,… Continue reading The Magnanimity Syndrome

My Views on the Godhead – Jakes

Jakes responds to Christianity Today article, “Apologetics Journal Criticizes Jakes.” By Bishop T. D. Jakes ” Hearsay, not Heresy” I was raised Baptist and became Pentecostal 26 years ago at a Greater Emmanuel Apostolic Church, where I was later ordained a Bishop. I resigned from that denomination 11 years ago, and have continued to fellowship… Continue reading My Views on the Godhead – Jakes

T.D. Jakes Accused of Heresy

T.D. Jakes Accused Of Heresy For Trinity Views RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA ( HYPERLINK “http://www.mcjonline.com/news/credits.htm” CHARISMA) — Christian broadcaster and cult watcher Hank Hanegraaff has lobbed heresy charges at Bishop T.D. Jakes, the nation’s most prominent black preacher.