Trends Among Youth In Church

Barna Group, a research group from California that studies trends in the church, recently published the following statistics about youth in America’s churches: Current trends show that on 4% of young people will be evangelical believers by the time they are in their 30’s compared to 34% of adults today who are. 3 out of… Continue reading Trends Among Youth In Church

Repairing the Breach

With every rising and setting of the sun, time races forward to embrace a profound Hope. Men and women engage in the Great Commission, endeavoring to hasten the Kingdom of God, to reach the Lost before it’s too late. In the midst of the chase, an often overlooked friend of revival becomes a casualty. That… Continue reading Repairing the Breach

What We Think We Know About Baby Busters

Written by William E. Easum, Ministry in a Changing World Busters [born 1965-1983] (and the 1984+ Millennials) are the foundation generation for a new world being born. What they become will shape the emerging world for decades to come, if not centuries. . . . Three paradigms separate the Busters from any previous generation. First,… Continue reading What We Think We Know About Baby Busters