God Made Some Questions Without Answers

It truly seems that God made some questions without any answers for their mate,
Yet men seek, and even invent, answers to questions which are never complete nor are succinct
Indeed, the angels must look on in wonderment at the portrayal of men’s versions that can never sate
“I have light,” says one man and wonders why his fellow mates continue to think his answer indistinct.

Life, as God designed, has those places where man is left speechless
And all the wonderings of the human mind are left adrift amid a fathomless sea.
Yes, there are those moments in life that beg for an answer but God chose to leave it answerless.
Why did He make it so—to create questions that have neither conclusions nor even a key?

Could it be that the Master chose in His Wisdom, in order to manifest His glory
Created some questions in life that plague and confuse a man,
So that men would come to realize that in some things the answers are not in their inventory
And would begin to seek the One Who holds everything in His hand?

Sometimes the answer we need is not found in the hearing of great explanations
But in those times the answer we need is the sense of a great shadow of peace
That assures us rather than answers us and puts an end to fearful argumentations.
This must be why God made some questions without answers of release.

~ Rev. James Groce


  1. It seems that the older that I get (almost 49), the more I am willing to be a little less dogmatic on many things and accept that what I thought was certain may not be. I am human and for every position I have there are good people that have a different view.

    In reality, the only view that matters is God’s and sometimes His views are hard to figure out. He did tell us that His ways and thoughts are not our ways and thoughts, so this should not be a surprise. I am especially concerned about the arrogance and the lack of humility and love that I find in all branches of Christianity and the arguments that are thrown back and forth by people trying to “prove” their doctrinal views.

    I think it is time to accept the truth that none of us has a corner on the market of “truth” and realize that all of us need more humility and true love if we want to have an impact on lost people for the kingdom of God.

    Good article Rev. Groce!

  2. Tim, great comments!
    There are a couple (at least) dynamics involved here… On one hand, we must have enough gravity in what we believe to “earnestly contend for the faith”, to “preach the word… exhort… with all longsuffering and doctrine”, to persuade men, etc. And on the other hand, we should realize that our finite minds are incapable of fully comprehending God. While we shouldn’t feel we have, “the corner on the market of truth”, we certainly should believe it enough to claim it as so! Let us reach a lost world with the Truth of the Gospel and the humility of our humanity, and compel them in love to turn to God!

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