Rev. 22:17
Intro. These are the closing words of God to man. This is God’s last call in the Scriptures. This invitation is a window into the heart of God and a word of witness, welcome, and warning to man. Please note…
I. The Insight Of God’s Invitation.
It reveals…
A. God’s love for us, John 3:16. He wants us to come to Him.
B. God’s provision for us, Rom. 5:8. He had provided a way for us to come to Him.
C. God’s promise to us, Jn. 6:37. He will not turn you away.
II. The Implication Of God’s Invitation. There are three implications. There is the implication of…
A. Man’s Problem, Romans 3:23.
B. Man’s Pain, Text (“lonely, searching, thirsty…”)
C. Man’s Peril, Romans 6:23.
III. The Imperative Of God’s Invitation. There is a sense of urgency. This is God’s last call. This invitation is imperative because of…
A. The lateness of the hour, i.e., the feast in Luke 14; the wedding in Matthew 25.
B. The lies of Satan. The Father of Lies will do everything he can to keep you from saying “yes” to God’s invitation.
C. The limits of God’s grace. Whether it is a hardened heart, the coming of death, or the coming of Christ…one day the last opportunity will have passed by.
IV. The Instruction Of God’s Invitation, “Come…”
A. Come in repentance and faith to Jesus, Luke 13:3, John 3:16.
B. Come in surrender and obedience to Jesus, Matthew 16:24-26.
C. Come now to Jesus, II Cor. 6:2.