Last night on my way home, I noticed the sign in front of a church near my house.
It said “Do you pray or just worry on your knees”.
I jotted it down thinking it would be a great quote to use on the Prayer Connect. However, the more I got to thinking about it, the more it spoke to me. If we are really honest, how often are we guilty of getting down to pray and telling God how bad things are or how we don’t know how in the world this can ever “work together for good”? Now I am not making light of or downplaying serious problems and situations that are in dire need of divine intervention. However, sometimes I think we forget how powerful the God we pray to is. Do your prayers sound like audible worrying or like a resounding declaration of the power and confidence in the God you serve?
Something to think about.
Lisa Marshall
Strategic Prayer Coordinator
World Network of Prayer