Can we close the back door for church attrition?
No Back Doors! New converts are at probably the most crucial part of their walk with God: the beginning! We must show them that they need to make sure that there are no back doors in their relationship with God. Even though they have been freed from their bondage to sin, they still live in the flesh and are faced with more temptation than ever before. How do they eliminate the back doors? 1) Regular fasting and daily, consistent prayer. 2) Diligent Bible study. 3) Faithful church attendance. 4) Obedience to teaching and instruction. 5) Self-discipline in Christian attitudes. 6) A kind, sweep spirit to their fellow Christians. 7) A burden for a lost and dying world. Adapting these to their lives will only move them forward in their walk with God. One church took these seven points and expanded them into a booklet, which was sent to every new convert soon after coming to the Lord.