Cyril of Alexandria Describing God

Cyril of Alexandria, Egypt, AD 444 wrote: “For He is the Lord of all powers, fulfilling by His will what exceedingly surpasseth nature, and effecting at once what seemeth Him good. The mystery of the Incarnation passeth all marvel and discourse, and no less the benefits redounding to us. For how is it not next… Continue reading Cyril of Alexandria Describing God

The Magnanimity Syndrome

As long as I have been aware of anything theological, the church has hailed the incomparable attributes of God. God fills all space, possesses all knowledge, holds all power and exists for all eternity. His grace is unlimited, His love undiminished, His holiness unsullied, His authority unquestioned, His word immutable. No one is bigger, stronger,… Continue reading The Magnanimity Syndrome