Quoted: Ravi Zacharias on Foundations

From an address by Ravi Zacharias: I remember lecturing at Ohio State University, one of the largest universities in this country. I was minutes away from beginning my lecture, and my host was driving me past a new building called the Wexner Center for the Performing Arts. He said, “This is America’s first postmodern building.”… Continue reading Quoted: Ravi Zacharias on Foundations

Quoted: Jay Jones on Emergent Theology

Emergent ideology is born of postmodernism and deconstructionism. It is the thought that to truly understand ‘truth’, one must first unlearn and untrain themselves from all that has been previously understood, and begin rebuilding truth piece-by-piece. It is this deconstructing, this dismantling of time-tested Truth, that has destroyed the faith of many, and reduced true… Continue reading Quoted: Jay Jones on Emergent Theology