Quoted: Jay Jones on Church Territorialism

In my estimation, I think “our” problem (I say ‘our’ for the sake of generality) is not that we don’t want the lost to be saved, but rather we don’t want to lose folks from our churches to neighboring congregations. Everyone that has lost a saint to a neighbor church has at least some slight… Continue reading Quoted: Jay Jones on Church Territorialism

Quoted: Jay Jones on Soulwinning

Churches should have a built-in culture of soulwinning. If reaching the Lost is not a priority in preaching and teaching through the church, soulwinning cannot possibly be the expected outcome. A church not being active in the Great Commission relegates it to the Great Suggestion, and God is called a liar. Build a positive peer… Continue reading Quoted: Jay Jones on Soulwinning

Soul winning – A Three Part Process

Psalm 126 1 When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion. we were like them that dream. 2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter. and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen. The LORD hath done great things for them. 3 The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof… Continue reading Soul winning – A Three Part Process

Quoted: Allen Ratta on The Small Church

When you drive by a small church it may look insignificant but things of great eternal import may be happening inside. Furthermore, many small, insignificant-looking churches are destined to become big and have an even greater impact for Christ. God’s Word convinces me, that explosive Kingdom potential exists where just two or three people gather… Continue reading Quoted: Allen Ratta on The Small Church

The Five Top Reasons Churches Don’t Grow

Bill Tenny Brittian writes: “When I get called in as a consultant to work with stuck, plateaued, or declining churches I have a couple of things I look for right off the bat. In the vast majority of the cases I discover that their inability to grow, let alone sustain, their membership is caused by… Continue reading The Five Top Reasons Churches Don’t Grow

Quoted: Jay Jones on Soulwinning

If we’re not actually in the process of bringing people to Christ on a regular basis, we should be ashamed of ourselves. And if we ARE actually in the process of bringing people to Christ, we have nothing to be ashamed of.

Guest Care

Indiana University Sociologist Dan Olson says, “Smart move. The thing that most likely to make them come and stay is whether they develop good social relationships with people there…” Olson studies what makes people choose one church over the other. The number one factor? Friends. After the initial meeting though, we must continue to make… Continue reading Guest Care

Foundational Families

Notes from Scott Sistrunk, career church planter I have observed that the key to a new church plant making it can be boiled down to this ….3 Foundational Families….. By foundational families I mean, families that are absolutely apostolic and are at least as deeply, if not more, committed to the church as the pastor…in… Continue reading Foundational Families