Church Gains New Life with Outreach

Several outreaches have brought new life to a Wyoming church that almost closed its doors five years ago because only a few people attended the congregation. According to the Assemblies of God (AG) News, New Life Assembly of God in Buffalo, located in the north central part of Wyoming, now has a vibrant congregation of 90 who ministers to the community of almost 4,000 people.

“We encourage people to meet needs, and they’re doing that,” pastor Alan Schaberg said. To reach out to their community, the congregation started a bus ministry. “When we were first getting started here, the Lord led us to host a children’s crusade, and a bus ministry developed from that,” Schaberg said, AG News reported. The church now sends two buses weekly to pick up 40 children for Wednesday Bible classes, which is attended by almost 70 youths.

New Life also has offered free oil changes to single mothers and widows in their community. In addition, they have started a Saturday night service for those who work on Sunday, and the church twice a month sends several of its members to minister at a smaller church an hour away. New Life has outgrown its current facilities and is believing God for a new facility that will seat at least 250 within the next year.

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