Back to Pentecost

Acts 11:15-17

A.                       Introduction (Save text and title till end.)

1.                       Why reinvent the wheel? Why make things more complicated than they should be, in the name of progress?

2.                       Examples: Omni competition to come up with “retro-breakthroughs” (Reader’s Digest).

a.                       “Privacy screen”: adjusts to block summer glare or allow winter sunlight—shade tree.

b.           “Portable arcade”: device to play a variety of games, no cartridges or batteries needed—card deck.

c.           “Graphic media emulator”: high-resolution, thin-screen monitor, near-perfect emulations of all graphic media, personal grooming assistant—mirror.

d.                       “Silicon timer”: powered by planetary attraction phenomenon—hourglass.

e.           “Virtual-reality device/entertainment center”: no keys, no mouse, touch-sensitive interface allows users to explore other worlds, civilizations, and times; user-friendly, random access, millions of titles—book.

f.           “Cellular personal computer”: self-expanding, easily programmable, compatible with all computers and printers, lifetime guarantee—brain.

g.           “Home security system”: continuous eighty-six-decibel alarm, also provides companionship, newspaper retrieval, and cardiovascular benefits—dog.

h.           “All-terrain vehicle”: quick acceleration, strong four-point suspension, unique quadrafoot drive for off-road, voice activation or touch-control command—horse.

i.           “Phone-answering device”: eliminates annoying message menus, courteously answers questions and directs incoming calls—receptionist.

B.                       Why Complicate the Simplicity of the Gospel?

1.                       “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house,” Acts 16:31.

2.                       The key is faith in Jesus. It will lead to water baptism and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

3.                       Philippian jailer: He was baptized at midnight and received an experience that caused rejoicing, verses 33-34.

C.                       Why Settle for Less Than the Original?

1.                       Peter’s report of the conversion of Cornelius, Acts 11:15-17. Cornelius received the same experience as the original believers on the Day of Pentecost. God gave these new believers the same gift as He gave the original people who “believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.” This experience is the norm for all believers.

2.                       What was that experience?

a.                       They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke with tongues, Acts 2:1-4.

b.           Peter and the other apostles proclaimed this message for everyone—specifically repentance, baptism in Jesus’ name, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:37-39.

c.           Cornelius and household received the same experience, Acts 10:44-48. There was no sound of wind or flame of fire, but speaking in tongues was the key point of identity.

3.                       Appeal: we need to go “Back to Pentecost” (give title).

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