Booklet published by the UPCI, published date and author unknown.
Not Laws to Govern, But Principles to Guide.
Striving to be a good minister of the Lord Jesus Christ…
I will constantly prepare myself in body, mind and spirit
I will safeguard the Good Name of the Ministry, speak the truth in love, live honestly and avoid embarrassing debts.
I will hold as sacred all confidences shared with me.
I will exercise the authority of a spiritual leader rather than that of a dictator.
I will seek to minister rather than be ministered unto; placing service above salary and personal recognition; and the unity and welfare of the church above my own personal welfare.
I will seek to lead my church to accept its full responsibility for community and world service.
I will seek to build my church without discrediting other churches, soliciting members therefrom, or casting reflection on other ministers.
I will not compete in an unethical manner with another minister for a call to a pastorate.
I will, with my resignation, sever my pastoral relations with my former parishioners and will not make pastoral contacts in the field of another pastor without his knowledge and consent.
I will not accept a pastorate of a United Pentecostal Church unless I am in accord with the Articles of Faith and Constitution of the General Church body.
Having accepted a pastorate, I will not use my influence to alienate the church, or any portion thereof from the fellowship or support of the United Pentecostal Church. If my convictions change, I will be honorable enough to withdraw.